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Democratic Party

Donna Brazile Has A Few Theories About Who Might've Killed Seth Rich

Donna Brazile’s new book is out, and reporters at the Daily Caller, who apparently have already combed through the book, have published a series of stories summarizing the book’s most embarrassing and shocking allegations about the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Their reporting shows Brazile taking aim at other erstwhile political allies like former President Barack Obama, whom she blamed for leaving the DNC in disarray, while also revealing who she believes may have been responsible for Seth Rich’s murder.

Democratic Leaders' Responses To Brazile Allegations Expose A Widening Rift

Democratic Leaders' Responses To Brazile Allegations Expose A Widening Rift

Donna Brazile's shocking revelations about how the Clinton campaign rigged the 2016 primary to favor Hillary and disadvantage the insurgent press of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders have exposed a divide in the Democratic Party that is manifesting itself in the stark difference in tone between establishment figures, who've crticized Brazile and sought to rebut her claims, and members of the party's progressive wing, who've offered messages of support.

"A Shocking Truth": Donna Brazille Accuses Clinton Campaign Of "Rigging" Primary

"A Shocking Truth": Donna Brazille Accuses Clinton Campaign Of "Rigging" Primary

Authored by Donna Brazille, former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, originally published in Politico.

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"When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign."

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call.
