RIP: Tom Phillips, Benefactor and Philanthropist. Responsible for My Career.

Tom Philips was a great man whose generosity knew no bounds. He opened not only his then substantial pocketbook – having been a very savvy and successful entrepreneur – but also his own home with a single intent: to nurture a new generation of journalists who were not afraid to question the “conventional wisdom.”

His mission was to break the stranglehold that the Left Wing ideologues had on the national debate and in forming the “national consensus.”

Good News: US Troops Are Set to Leave Niger

The United States military has a tendency to park itself in a country and not budge even after its presence has proven catastrophic or the government of the country has demanded it leave. Well, here is some good news. Daphne Psaledakis at Reuters reported Friday that the US military will be leaving Niger, just over a month after the new government of the country demanded that action.
