"What Goes Up Can Also Come Down"

"What Goes Up Can Also Come Down"

Submitted by Keith Dicker of IceCap Asset Management

What goes up can also come down

Whether unknowingly or not, the media and the investment industry has created an information gap wedging the 2008 debt crisis with today’s debt crisis. Chart 4 shows the difference in debt outstanding from 2008 compared to today. The Public Sector consists of government and tax payers, while the Private Sector is made up of individuals and companies.

Hong Kong Real Estate Price Plunges 70% In Latest Government Land Sale

Hong Kong Real Estate Price Plunges 70% In Latest Government Land Sale

Two weeks ago, in our latest report on the Hong Kong housing market, we observed that according to the local Centaline Property Agency total Hong Kong property transactions in January were on track to register the worst month since 1991, when it started compiling monthly figures. In other words, the biggest drop in recorded history.

Dinosaurs Could Be Back By 2050 Say Experts

One of the world’s leading think tanks claims that in the future people will be healthier and wealthier and living with dinosaurs. In the future teenagers will be living like millionaires in futuristic homes built for leisure-time and comfort with robots as servants. They would travel in driver-less cars and supersonic planes. Dinosaurs could also make a comeback around 2050 to join the euphoria, through DNA back-breeding.
