Dow, DuPont To Merge In $130 Billion Deal; 10% Of DowDuPont's Workforce To Be Fired

It's official: two of America oldest publicly traded companies will combine, with Dow and DuPoint merging as equals in a combined company that will have a $130 billion market cap and will be named DowDuPont. And while shareholders already benefited from the deal with shares of both consitutents rising by 10% in the days preceding the official announcement, the biggest loser are once again the employees: the combined company announced that as part of the $700 million in restructuring efforts, 10% of the combined company's employees will be laid off.

Here are the details:

US Equity Futures Suddenly Fall Off A Cliff As Europe Slides, Oil Tumbles, EM Currencies Turmoil

US Equity Futures Suddenly Fall Off A Cliff As Europe Slides, Oil Tumbles, EM Currencies Turmoil

It was a relatively calm overnight session in which European stocks wobbled modestly, Japan was up, China was down following the Yuan's weakest fixing since 2011 as the PBOC continues to aggressively devalue since the SDR inclusion (stoking concerns capital outflows are once again surging), EM stocks stocks were weak and the dollar was unchanged ahead of today's retail sales data and next week's Fed meeting, and then suddenly everything snapped.

Physical Silver Investment Demand Great Deal Higher Than Official Estimates

Physical Silver Investment Demand Great Deal Higher Than Official Estimates



Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in a private international facility  --> 





Physical Silver Investment Demand Great Deal Higher Than Official Estimates 

Posted with permission and written by: Steve St. Angelo of SRSrocco Report (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)


Jihadi Ted

What makes Jihadi John and Jihadi Ted so similar in their methods is their willingness to use human suffering to implement military and social agendas. Ted Cruz is spewing this invective with a purpose that Machiavelli would be proud of. In short, this is all an attempt on the part of Cruz to best his Republican/Tea Party rivals in their race for the GOP nomination. Consequences mean nothing; power, everything.
