Texas and New York Struggle to Overcome False Convictions Engineered by Corrupt Prosecutors

Texas and New York Struggle to Overcome False Convictions Engineered by Corrupt Prosecutors


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Surge In Babies Being Born With Extra Limbs In Post-Fukushima Japan

Local residents are reporting a marked increase in serious birth defects five years after the nuclear accident at Fukushima. There are reports of a surge of babies are being born with extra arms and legs, a high rise in the numbers of still births and many are also reporting an increase in cancers, both near and far away from Fukushima. But due to a continuous coverup by Japanese authorities and the media, along with a severe lack of scientific studies being performed, very little information on the subject is reaching the public.

Crude Slides After Russia Warns Of Production Increase: "Was Never Ready To Cut Output"

Crude Slides After Russia Warns Of Production Increase: "Was Never Ready To Cut Output"

Perhaps upset at the weekend's development, Russia has decided to rattle the global crude complex cage. Amid hopes of a freeze, Russia's energy minister Alexander Novak has reversed course and stated that Russia could "in theory" increase oil output and "was never ready to cut production." It appears things are rapidly breaking down between Russia and The Kingdom - which perhaps explains Obama's rapidly arranged trip to kiss the ring in Riyadh.


Obama Arrives In Saudi Arabia To "Reassure" His Close Ally That Nothing Has Changed

Obama Arrives In Saudi Arabia To "Reassure" His Close Ally That Nothing Has Changed

While Congress is scrambling to sweep the recently introduced Bipartisan bill that would allow US families to sue Saudi Arabia for Sept 11, Barack Obama has just landed in Saudi Arabia to reassure his close ally that all is under control.

President Obama with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, center, and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in May 2015

As the WSJ reports, Obama arrived today in the Saudi kingdom for a brief trip "meant to provide reassurances to Gulf allies and to bolster his own foreign-policy legacy."

The Senility Of The Western Mind

Political philosopher John Gray says that we are deceiving ourselves if we think that ISIS is a medieval throwback. Every barbaric act and strategy it employs have also been employed by modern states. In fact, an eschatological cult like ISIS could only have emerged in modernity; fundamentalism, he says, emerges and thrives in societies in which long-settled customs and traditions have been disrupted. And for that matter, movements like Communism and Nazism were simply secular versions of the same millenarian vision. More:
