Did Human Limbs Evolve From Fish Gills?

Scientists have shown that human limbs may have evolved from the same gene structures found in the gills of cartilaginous fish such as sharks, skates and rays. Victorian era German anatomist Karl Gegenbaur proposed the idea a century ago but no fossil evidence came to light to back his claim. The Daily Mail reports: The discovery could shed light on the origin of jawed vertebrates – the group of animals that includes humans. Unlike other fish, cartilaginous fish have a series of skin flaps that protect their gills.

President Assad’s Party Wins Majority In Syrian Election

The Syrian parliamentary election on Tuesday was a vote of confidence by the people for their government. Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party and its allies won the majority of the votes according to official results with 5,085,444 voters casting their ballots out of a possible 8,834,994 eligible voters. Press TV reports: The Syrian electoral commission announced late Saturday that the National Unity coalition, comprising the ruling party and its allies, had won 200 of the 250 seats at the People’s Assembly (Majlis al-Sha’ab).

"Unequivocally" Great News America - Gas Prices Are Soaring

"Unequivocally" Great News America - Gas Prices Are Soaring

Judging by the exuberant equity market, it is not 'low' gas prices, but high gas prices that are "unequivocally good" for America - after all the market is ultimate arbiter of how the average joe feels, right? However, if you drive a car - or gas-hungry truck - you may have noticed something in the last month or so - gas prices at the pump are up almost 25% from the mid-Feb lows, the biggest surge since July 2009.



Intel Fires A Massive 12,000 Workers, 11% Of Its Entire Workforce, As It Misses Q1 Sales, Guides Lower

Intel Fires A Massive 12,000 Workers, 11% Of Its Entire Workforce, As It Misses Q1 Sales, Guides Lower

There were some rumors reported late last week that the world's biggest chip maker was about to fire a major portion of its workforce. Moments ago the company confirmed these rumors, when it reported that it was firing a whopping 11% of its entire workforce, laying off a massive 12,000 workers.

From the report:
