The Limits of the Cruz-Kasich Pact

Cruz and Kasich made a deal to focus their resources on different states to make it easier to stop Trump, but the anti-Trump pact is already running into problems:

The marriage of political convenience between Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) was tested less than 12 hours into the honeymoon, as Kasich told reporters that he still wanted votes from his supporters in Indiana.

"China Is Hoarding Crude At The Fastest Pace On Record"

"China Is Hoarding Crude At The Fastest Pace On Record"

In the aftermath of China's gargantuan, record new loan injection in Q1, which saw a whopping $1 trillion in new bank and shadow loans created in the first three months of the year, many were wondering where much of this newly created cash was ending up.

We now know where most of it went: soaring imports of crude oil.

We know this because as the chart below shows, Chinese crude imports via Qingdao port in Shandong province surged to record 9.86 million metric tons last month based on data from General Administration of Customs.

