Mysterious Company Builds Bomb-Proof Underground Shelters For The Elite

The elite are buying expensive bomb-proof underground shelters en masse at the moment, fearing mass civil unrest might be coming to the world in the next few months. Rising income inequality, racial tensions, distrust in government, and the unfolding tyrannical police state being revealed may spark a mass civil war any day now. The company behind the construction of these survival bunkers, Vivos, say the facilities are designed to protect the extremely wealthy in the event of a coming apocalypse.

World’s First Japanese Robot Enrolls At High School

Japan have unveiled the world’s first high school robot named Pepper. The robot is disturbingly considered legally enrolled at a Japanese high school, and marks the first time a humanoid robot will study alongside human students.  In a bizarre interview, Pepper told newspaper TASS, “I never thought that I would be accepted into a human school,” and promised to “try my best”. reports: Pepper comes to the school with an impressive array of language skills, speaking both Japanese and English.

Ice Cube Accuses Hillary Clinton Of Waging War On Black People

Rapper and filmmaker Ice Cube has accused Hillary Clinton and her supporters of waging a war against black people, saying that her comments in 1996 helped to encourage police brutality against black people which then gave rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.  In an interview with Bloomberg, Ice Cube said, “To call your own citizens ‘superpredators’ is pretty harsh and a pretty big indictment. It’s really not solving the problem, it’s just making it worse.

Ancient Egyptian Goddess ISIS Discovered In India

The ancient Goddess ISIS, usually associated as being of Egyptian origins, may have actually originated in India, as several eminent scholars have discovered. reports: One of the great, largely untold adventure stories of late antiquity is the journey to the East, from Egypt’s Red Sea ports, across the open ocean for 40 days and 40 nights, to the legendary entrepôt of Musiris, on India’s southwestern or Malabar coast, in what is now modern state of Kerala.
