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The Latest Attempt To Win The Afghan War: Replace The Soldiers With Mercenaries

The Latest Attempt To Win The Afghan War: Replace The Soldiers With Mercenaries

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

One of the most controversial aspects of the Iraq war was the heavy use of defense contractors, who were in many cases paid vast sums of money to do jobs that you’d think an ordinary soldier could do. When it was all said and done, defense contractors had reaped $138 billion dollars by providing security, logistics, and construction services. Among the most notorious of these contractors was Blackwater, whose employees gained a reputation for reckless behavior that caused many unnecessary deaths.

New Study Suggests War Lust May Have Cost Hillary Clinton The Election

New Study Suggests War Lust May Have Cost Hillary Clinton The Election

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Late last week, I came across a fascinating article published at Mondoweiss highlighting a recent study positing that Hilary Clinton may have lost the election to Donald Trump partly as a result of her well documented lust for imperial war and aggression.

Here are a few excerpts from the piece:

US General Wants 20,000 Additional Ground Troops Sent To Afghanistan

US General Wants 20,000 Additional Ground Troops Sent To Afghanistan

The US is definitely going to be sending more ground troops to Afghanistan soon, but, as's Jason Ditz notes, the exact number is yet to be determined, with the Pentagon today backing away from media reports yesterday that they’d settled on a figure of 4,000 more troops, saying no final decisions have been made yet on numbers.

US Soldiers Wounded In Latest "Insider" Attack At Afghan Base

US Soldiers Wounded In Latest "Insider" Attack At Afghan Base

Several US soldiers were wounded on Saturday after being shot by an Afghan soldier at a base in northern Afghanistan on Saturday, the third “insider” attack on US troops stationed in the country this year, and the second on one week. Initially conflicting reports emerged about the number of casualties in the attack, with Afghan officials telling Reuters that four US troops had been killed; that number has since been revised.

Here’s Reuters:
