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The EU Needs A Three-Child Policy – And China Should Pay For It!

The EU Needs A Three-Child Policy – And China Should Pay For It!

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

The EU’s policy of “replacement migration” is an economic failure and threatens to undermine China’s New Silk Road strategy for Europe by diminishing the continent’s much-needed consumer market potential, which should thereby serve as an impetus for Beijing to consider investing in social programs there as a means of encouraging replacement fertility for the EU’s citizens.

The Petrodollar Is Under Attack: Here's What You Need To Know

The Petrodollar Is Under Attack: Here's What You Need To Know

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

Once upon a time, the U.S. dollar was backed by the gold standard in a framework that established what was known as the Bretton-Woods agreement, made in 1944. The dollar was fixed to gold at a price of $35 an ounce, though the dollar could earn interest, marking one notable difference from gold.

Pine River Closing Master Fund Following Surge In Redemptions

Pine River Closing Master Fund Following Surge In Redemptions

Back in January 2016, we reported that Pine River Capital Management, then run by noted hedge fund investor Steve Kuhn, was shuttering its Fixed Income fund, and returning roughly $1.6 billion to investors. The wind down was surprising for one of the industry's most prominent names: Kuhn was one of four managers who helped the Pine River Fixed Income Fund score some of the industry's biggest gains. They included a 93% return in 2009, fueled largely by bets on the housing market.

Gold, Guns, and Natural Disasters

Gold, Guns, and Natural Disasters

Before a forecast tropical storm, residents of a coastal floodplain keep one eye trained on the weather as they go about their daily business.  

Wary investors keep an eye out for potential political, geopolitical, as well as natural disasters.

Homeowners on the Gulf of Mexico take precautions against the potential for wind and water damage, as do market-minders seek indemnity from inflation and recession, up and down markets, changing tax policy, and potential for catastrophe. 
