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BofA Stunned By Drop In Gasoline Demand: "Where Is Driving Season?"

BofA Stunned By Drop In Gasoline Demand: "Where Is Driving Season?"

Exactly six months ago, when oil bulls still held on to some fleeting hope that OPEC may somehow stabilize the crash in oil prices despite the shift in marginal oil production from low-cost OPEC producers to US shale (a hope which is now gone as the just disclosed letter from Andy Hall demonstrates), Goldman noticed something troubling: an unprecedented collapse in gasoline demand.

Bill Gates Urges End To Generosity, Fears African Refugees Will Decimate Europe

Bill Gates Urges End To Generosity, Fears African Refugees Will Decimate Europe


In an interview published Saturday, Bill Gates told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that Europe will be devastated by African refugees if they don’t “make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent,” and the solution lies in European nations committing billions of taxpayer money towards overseas aid.
