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Gartman Remains Bearish On Oil

Gartman Remains Bearish On Oil

On June 22, Citi called the bottom in oil to the day, when in a not too subtly titled note it said "Here Comes The V-Shaped Rebound In Oil." Since then, both WTI and Brent had risen for 8 trading days in a row, the longest stretch since February 2012. Meanwhile, surprisingly not too many, Gartman went short and, in his latest note, he explained the he remains bearish. End result: the oil rally just closed higher for 9 consecutive days.

The Only Way Out Of The Qatar Crisis

The Only Way Out Of The Qatar Crisis

Authored by Ahmed Chari via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Qatar has been known for years as a small peninsula nation that punches far above its weight. Its immense oil wealth and enormous influence, through its English- and Arabic-language Al Jazeera channels, have given it diplomatic clout across the Arab world. Its soft power has been felt in negotiations in Darfur, Tripoli, Sanaa and elsewhere. Everywhere it has been either admired or envied.

Make It Liquid, Please

Make It Liquid, Please

By Chris at

Most of you know the story of Africa's great jewel.

Zimbabwe, presided over by the charming, charismatic, democratically elected leader Robert Mugabe.

So great is the country that under his leadership it has reached dizzying heights. The highest inflation in Africa, the highest unemployment in Africa, and, of course, the highest rates of poverty, which on the dark continent is really quite something.
