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Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

The Group of Seven world leaders, or rather Six excluding Trump, tried to tame the US president... and failed. Which means on Saturday the group will sign off on a significantly "pared-down" statement at the close of their meeting in Sicily - an indication of deep divisions on climate change, trade and various other issues between Trump and the rest of the developed world.

Discoverer Of DNA's Double-Helix Banned From U of I For "Failing Test Of Decency"

Discoverer Of DNA's Double-Helix Banned From U of I For "Failing Test Of Decency"

The University of Illinois has capitulated to faculty complaints and rescinded a speaking invitation to Nobel Laureate James Watson, who has ruffled feathers with past comments about race.

Watson is famous for co-discovering the double-helix structure of DNA, but even a preemptive email stating that he would be giving a "narrowly focused scientific talk" failed to assuage faculty concerns.

Donald Trump's Saudi Speech: Full Transcript

Some analyst, such as Beacon Advsiros, expected a diplomatic scandal as a worst case scenario outcome from Trump's keynote speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Saudi Arabia. That did not happen, and instead Trump delivered a speech that many pundits on both sides of the aisle said was better than expected, even if in a very strict sense.

Clocking in at just over 3,400 words, here is a full transcript of what Trump told Saudi Arabia and the world on Sunday afternoon.
