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Real Life ‘Dementor’ Appears In Africa, Terrifying Residents

Real Life ‘Dementor’ Appears In Africa, Terrifying Residents

A mysterious humanoid figure baring a striking resemblance to a ‘dementor’ from the Harry Potter movies terrified residents at a shopping center in Zambia this week.  According to locals, a human-like giant figure hovered around the clouds above a shopping center in Kitwe,  in north-central Zambia, for around 30-minutes before disappearing. Photographs show a large humanoid head and torso, hovering menacingly in the sky and it is thought to have measured over 100 metres long.

Research Indicates Massive ISIS Networks In Europe While Europol Warns Of Imminent Attacks

Research Indicates Massive ISIS Networks In Europe While Europol Warns Of Imminent Attacks

Via Disobedient Media

In December 2016, Europol released a statement warning that ISIS was likely to soon enact plans to stage large scale terror attacks in multiple states across the EU. The operations have been planned since 2013 but are now being accelerated due to ISIS' territorial losses in the Middle East to coalition forces.

New Continent Discovered In South West Pacific

Scientists have discovered a new continent hidden in plain view in the Pacific Ocean right next to New Zealand. Zealandia, as it is formally called, is a continent with a 5 million square kilometre landmass that lays largely submerged in the south-west Pacific. The 11 geologists from New Zealand and Australia who discovered Zealandia say that it should be confirmed as earth’s eighth continent, after Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Washington Post Admits Shutting Down 'Fake News' Will Move Us Closer To A Modern-Day '1984'

Washington Post Admits Shutting Down 'Fake News' Will Move Us Closer To A Modern-Day '1984'

Submitted by Flemming Rose and Jacob Mchangama via The Washington Post,

Remember George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth? In his dystopian novel “1984,” its purpose was to dictate and protect the government’s version of reality. During the Cold War, Orwell’s book was banned behind the Iron Curtain, because readers perceived the novel as an allegory for their own repressive regimes.
