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"Unprecedented Leak" Exposes The Criminal Financial Dealings Of Some Of The World's Wealthiest People

An unprecedented leak of more than 11 million documents, called the "Panama Project", has revealed the hidden financial dealings of some of the world's wealthiest people, as well as 12 current and former world leaders and 128 more politicians and public officials around the world.

Turkey Continues Aggressive Military Expansion Into Middle East

The Turkish Minister of Defence İsmet Yılmaz  has announced plans to continue Turkey’s aggressive military expansion in the Middle East, saying that a new multipurpose military base in Qatar will be opened within the next two years.  “This base will allow Turkey to participate in combat operations in the Red Sea, the North of Africa, and the Persian Gulf,” Yılmaz said.

Five Deadly Terror Attacks Which Failed To Grab Media Attention

The terror attacks in Paris and Brussels have rightly caused huge outrage across the world, but as millions in the West took to social media to share their anger and grief, there are numerous other attacks across the globe that go largely unreported in the mainstream media. The list below complied by RT highlights just five that have been largely forgotten: NIGERIA – Over 80 killed, children burned to death On January 30, Boko Haram terrorists killed 86 people after they attacked a village in northeast Nigeria.
