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MH370: Investigators Say Mozambique Debris Likely From Plane

The mystery of what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 continued as officials said two newly discovered pieces of debris found in Mozambique in Africa are from the doomed flight.  The announcement was made on Thursday by Australian officials following the completion of an examination of the two pieces. CNN reports: “The analysis has concluded the debris is almost certainly from MH370,” said Australian Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester.

President Erdogan Wants To Dismantle UN Security Council

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey proposes that the UN Security Council be dismantled and reformed to reflect a more “democratic” institution – with more Islamic representatives. Erdogan wants Islam to be more representative in the council’s chambers, even though the permanent members of the UN Security Council have their own Muslim citizenry.

"We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," Dutch Party Leader Rages: "We Need To De-Islamize The West"

"We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," Dutch Party Leader Rages: "We Need To De-Islamize The West"

November's mass murders in Paris; today's suicide bombings in Brussles... that's just the beginning for Europe according to Dutch Party For Freedom (PVV) leader and prominent counter-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders who spoke earlier today with Breitbart London in the aftermath of this morning’s major terror attack and has lamented it is just the beginning of growing Islamist violence.


Belgium Cancels All Air, Rail Traffic Into/ Out Of Brussels; Military Deployed

In the wake of the three (and now possibly four) explosions that rocked Brussels on Tuesday morning, Belgium has cancelled all air and rail traffic to the city

Eurostar has suspended all service to Brussels following a deadly explosion at Maelbeek metro station were more than 20 were reportedly killed this morning. 

Meanwhile, all flights from the Brussels airport are cancelled. 
