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Bernie Sanders Beats Hillary Clinton In Indiana Primary

Bernie Sanders has defeated his rival Hillary Clinton in Indiana’s crucial Democratic primary. He beat Clinton by at least seven points in what the mainstream media has called a ‘major upset’. The US Democratic presidential hopeful’s victory on Tuesday has boosted his argument that the party’s superdelegates should support him in July’s Democratic convention. Press TV reports: The senator was ahead of the former secretary of state by 52.5 percent to 47.5 percent with about three quarters of precincts reporting.

Breaking Down Warren Buffett's Rosy Outlook For America

Submitted by Simon Black via,

There’s something about being insanely rich that people will believe every word that comes out of your mouth no matter how bizarre.

And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. Warren Buffett is an even better example.

As one of the richest men in the world, Buffett’s opinions carry almost Biblical impact, even when they might be completely ridiculous.

100 Years of Jane Jacobs Down, 100 Years to Go

It is difficult to write about the centennial of Jane Jacobs. For one thing, her influence on urbanism is unsurpassed and difficult to understate; for another, everyone has been writing something and so there’s a lot of overlap between pieces.

And yet, for all the encomiums and praise and think pieces in City Lab, Vox, Toronto’s Globe and Mail and even the New York Daily News, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that for all her intellectual influence, very little has changed about the American city and what has changed has been mostly cosmetic.
