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Denmark's "Recipe For integration" - Segregated Swimming Hours!

Denmark's "Recipe For integration" - Segregated Swimming Hours!

Following the surge in sexual assaults in Swedish swimming pools, and helpful leafletting, refugee "integration" efforts across European nations have taken a turn for the worse - despite all the politically-correct jawboning. First the German town of Bornheim banned adult male asylum seekers from the public pool, but now, the Danish capital of Copenhagen has taken a leaf out of 1960s America and introduced segegrated hours for boys and girls after a huge number of immigrants suddenly took up swimming in the refugee-heavy district of Tingbjerg.

Congress Fixes "Sexist" Draft - Votes To Require Women To Register For Selection

With all the problems facing America - both at home and abroad - The House Armed Services Committee decided on Wednesday to solve one of the nation's crucial "problems" - a "sexist draft."

As reports on Wednesday the committee approved (by a narrow margin) an amendment to a defense bill to require women to register for the draft.

Stockman: Anything Trumps Hillary

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

It’s all over except the shouting. That is, the primary election season effectively ended last night and now the actual shouting match between Hillary and The Donald begins.

This will surely be the most entertaining election in US history, and probably the most pointless, too. After all, Hillary wants to use government to make Government Great Again. And Trump promises to use government to make America Great Again.
