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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech — Paul Craig Roberts

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers and foreign news organizations are asking me the meaning of Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech.

On the surface, his speech is contradictory. Trump says he will rebuild US military might so that America will always be first. Yet Trump emphasizes that “we want to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China.”

In a multi-polar world, there is no first country.

Delaware Has One Billion Reasons Not To Change Its Laws Of Incorporation

Delaware Has One Billion Reasons Not To Change Its Laws Of Incorporation

In the wake of the release of the Panama Papers, which exposed financial dealings of some of the world's wealthiest people, much has been made in the media and on the U.S. presidential campaign trail about making sure everyone is paying their "fair share", and emphatically calling for improving transparency around how corporations and individuals handle their money.

Keeping The Sabbath

A new national survey conducted for the Deseret News finds that Americans don’t pay as much attention to the Sabbath as we used to. Excerpt:

Half of U.S. adults today (50 percent) say the Sabbath has personal spiritual meaning for them, down from 74 percent in 1978. However, 62 percent of people agree that it’s important for society to have one day a week set aside for spiritual rest, the survey reported — and only 11 percent disagree with that proposition.

Watch Live: Donald Trump's Teleprompted Foreign Policy Speech

In what will be a closely watched and even more closely scrutinized speech, today at noon Donald J. Trump will hold a speech on foreign policy at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.  In the speech Trump is poised to demonstrate just how "presidential" he can be, because as Reuters writes, "he is expected to set aside his bad-boy antics and, with the help of a teleprompter to keep him on message, outline what his foreign policies would be if he is elected U.S. president." 
