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Russia Says ‘Global Catastrophe On Its Way’, Deploys Thousands Of Troops

Russia has ordered an acceleration of troop movements in the Eastern Military District following reports that a global catastrophe is on its way.  Around 25,000 troops have been deployed since the 19 April, 2016, in a “drill framework” designed not to arouse fears in the general population. Troops have been told to be on full alert for a possible mega-earthquake any day now, should the Pactific Plate begin to fracture.

Ron Paul: We Need To Recalibrate Our Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul has warned that the special U.S.-Saudi Arabia relationship is about to come to an abrupt end once the secret 28 pages of the 9/11 Report are released to the public. The report will show the Saudi regime’s involvement on 9/11, which is something the public and government will never be able to forgive. Ron Paul says that for decades the US and Saudi Arabia have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship whereby the Saudis sell cheap oil to America in exchange for U.S. protection of the Saudi monarchy.

It's Now Almost Impossible To Save For Retirement

Submitted by Simon Black via,

My grandfather was something of a Renaissance Man.

He was a farmer, schoolteacher, fisherman, collector, real estate investor… and one of those guys who always seemed to know how to do everything.

He could take apart an engine, build a house with his bare hands, tame wild horses, treat life-threatening wounds, play the guitar… and he was extremely well respected in his community.
