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Hillary Clinton's Full 'Speech' To Goldman Sachs

Hillary Clinton's Full 'Speech' To Goldman Sachs

Given the fact that a snowball has a better chance in hell than the American public ever seeing a transcript of Hillary Clinton's various million-dollar speeches to Goldman Sachs employees, K.J. Noh, Counterpunch's resident satirist in chief, unleashes his best guess at what was said.. and if not, what was implied... Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger excerpts the true meaning of Clinton:

"It's A Trojan Horse" - Thousands Of Germans Protest TTIP Trade Deal One Day Before Obama Visit

"It's A Trojan Horse" - Thousands Of Germans Protest TTIP Trade Deal One Day Before Obama Visit

Whether it is due to Trump's increasingly vocal anti-free trade rhetoric or due to the ongoing deterioration in the global economy, there has been a big change in the public's perception toward the transatlatnic deal known as TTIP in the recent months, with support for the agreement which was drafted by big corporations behind closed doors tumbling.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Must Have Their Heads Buried In The Sand

If you are a Hillary Clinton supporter then you have either your head buried in the sand or are ignorant of Karma (the laws of cause and effect). Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton dominated the last CNN presidential debate by being allowed, with the help of the presstitute media, to gain the upper hand. The debate was orchestrated by so called neutral moderators in favor of Clinton rather than her only rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was shut out, tripped and drowned by a torrent of craftily orchestrated questions. There is a reason for the obvious biased reporting.

Gods And Monsters

Reader Siluan, in the following comment on the “Metaphysics of the Men’s Room” thread, explains succinctly why yes, transgenderism actually is a much bigger deal than accommodating a very small number of individuals who believe they were born in the wrong bodies:
