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The Real Test Of The Petro Dollar System

The Real Test Of The Petro Dollar System

Currently the US Dollar, traded on the stock market as (UUP), and (USDU); is the world's reserve currency. Although there is talk of the fall of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, it's all talk and there's no signs that this will happen any time soon. Hungary recently issued sovereign bonds in Yuan - but so what? It's just a drop in the bucket. The practical fact is there is no real threat to the US Dollar's status as a reserve currency. However, there may be one.

Multiple Clinton Connections Emerge As More "Panama Papers" Names Revealed

There has been much confusion, at time quite angry, how in the aftermath of the Soros-funded Panama Papers revelations few, if any, prominent U.S. name emerged as a result of the biggest offshore tax leak in history. Now, thanks to McClatchy more U.S. names are finally being revealed and it will probably come as little surprise that many of the newly revealed names have connection to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Nude Donald Trump Painter Flees U.S. Fearing Violence

The artist responsible for the nude painting of Donald Trump, portraying him with small genitals, has fled the U.S. after receiving threats of violence from supporters of the Republican presidential front-runner. News Hub reports: Ilma Gore’s work, ‘Make America Great Again’, is up for sale with a price tag of £1 million (NZ$2.5 million). It’s currently being displayed at the Maddox Gallery in London, after galleries in the US refused to show it due to security concerns. “The reaction, especially in the UK, has been incredibly supportive.

How The American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes For Peace — Paul Craig Roberts

How The American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes For Peace

Paul Craig Roberts

When Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired them, and had some of them prosecuted, his administration was free of their evil influence, and President Reagan negotiated the end of the Cold War with Soviet President Gorbachev. The military/security complex, the CIA, and the neocons were very much against ending the Cold War as their budgets, power, and ideology were threatened by the prospect of peace between the two nuclear superpowers.

Will History Only Remember the Founders as Slaveowners?

Last year, I decided to take my teenage sons on a trip across the country. We traveled in our motor home, starting in our home state of Utah, visiting sites of historic significance along the way. I am not a historian, but on this trip I discovered that left-leaning benefactors doling out large grants have ensured that visitors are presented with a version of history driven by political correctness—all while ignoring the essential contributions that the American founders made to our Constitution and founding ideals.
