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Was There A Run On The Bank? JPM Caps Some ATM Withdrawals

Was There A Run On The Bank? JPM Caps Some ATM Withdrawals

Under the auspices of "protecting clients from criminal activity," JPMorgan Chase has decided to impose capital controls on . As WSJ reports, following the bank's ATM modification to enable $100-bills to be dispensed with no limit, some customers started pulling out tens of thousands of dollars at a time. This apparent bank run has prompted Jamie Dimon to cap ATM withdrawals at $1,000 per card daily for non-customers.

Kunstler: Donald Trump - The Ironic Antidote To The Pandemic Of Lying In America?

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

“He says what he really thinks.” That is the standard explanation for the astounding political rise of Donald J. Trump. Somehow the news media have missed the meaning of this: that the rest of political America refuses to say what it really thinks. Why is that and how can it be?

Christianity = Jim Crow, Apartheid

In North Carolina freakout news:

Lionsgate and the A+E network say they won’t film TV shows and movies in North Carolina if the state doesn’t repeal its new LGBT law.

Along with Fox, Miramax and The Weinstein Company, the entertainment producers have voiced opposition to House Bill 2, which replaces local ordinances with a statewide nondiscrimination law that doesn’t include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories.

Hiding from Opportunity

Hiding from Opportunity





Hiding from Opportunity

Posted with permission and written by Jeff Thomas (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)






“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” - Alejandro Jodorowsky  

As a consultant on internationalisation, I regularly have occasion to advise people on the finer points of safeguarding their wealth and themselves from becoming casualties of declining governments.
