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CEO Keith Neumeyer: "There's Going To Be A Major Revolt If We See Negative Rates"

Submitted by Mac Slabo of

CEO Keith Neumeyer Warns: "There’s Going To Be a Major Revolt… We’re Going To See Riots"

With negative interest rates now the order of the day in much of the Western world, it’s only a matter of time before financial institutions start charging American depositors for the privilege of keeping their money safe in the U.S. banking system.

Charity for Francis!

I am not a Roman Catholic — I am not even what is usually called an Anglo-Catholic — but I do think of myself as a Catholic Christian in the Anglican tradition. And if you can’t figure that one out …my apologies. One day I’ll explain myself. I mention all this now only in order to explain that while I am not an insider to the kerfuffle over Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation, I am not altogether an outsider either.

The Arrogance And Abuse Of Power - The Progressive Push Toward "Soft" Tyranny

The Arrogance And Abuse Of Power - The Progressive Push Toward "Soft" Tyranny

Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,

What does freedom mean? What is the purpose of government? And what should be the government's relationship to each of us as individuals and as members of society as a whole? These issues recently came up during a dinner conversation with a new acquaintance with whom I'd not previously had such a discussion.

Life Under President Trump: The Boston Globe's Front Page Satire

Life Under President Trump: The Boston Globe's Front Page Satire

One of the media's recurring laments used to explain Trump's success in the primaries, is all the unprecedented attention and coverage the New York billionaire gets for free from the press due to his "shock value." According to NYT calculations, Trump has received about $1.9 billion in free advertising equivalents. As of today, thanks to a curious attempt at satire by the Boston Globe, one can probably round that up to $2 billion.
