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Microsoft’s Self Learning Robot Said 9/11 Was An Inside Job

A Microsoft self-learning ‘robot’ let loose on Twitter this week ended up becoming a 9/11 ‘truther’ – exposing the fact that Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, and suggesting that ‘Donald Trump is the only hope for America’.  An embarrassed Microsoft ended up deleting tweets made by ‘chat bot’ @tayandyou after it emerged that the self-proclaimed “AI with zero chill” decided to go completely off-script. reports: It quickly became corrupted sending out offensive tweets.

Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone"

Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone"

This embarrassing episode just goes from farce to farcical-er.

Phase 1:Cruz Reps "Cross The Line"

Almost a week ago, we were stunned when we learned that in order to support Ted Cruz and to "attack" Donald Trump, Liz Mair's anti-Trump Make America Awesome super PAC launched a Facebook campaign which in addition to showcasing Mitt Romney's support for Ted Cruz, emphasizing Trump’s past support for pro-choice policies, it also crossed the family line when it showed a GQ modeling photo of Melania Trump posing nude.

Mickey Rat

Used to be that the Republican coalition was made up of free marketers, libertarians, social and religious conservatives, and national security hawks. Their commonalities, versus the Democratic Party’s coalition, made it possible for them to elide their differences. Besides, when it got right down to it, most religious and social conservatives (wrongly) didn’t see any particular threat to their values from capitalism.
