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Jade Helm 16: Military Prepare For Civil War, Withhold Food From Public

The U.S. military have launched Jade Helm 16 – otherwise known as UWEX 16 – a military exercise to prepare troops for an American civil war.  These latest exercises follow last year’s Jade Helm 15 exercises which some feared were being used as a means to introduce martial law in America. According to an anonymous tip off, Jade Helm 16 appears to be about controlling the nation’s food supply. reports: I have learned from reliable sources that Jade Helm 16 is also about controlling the shipment of all food.

Arms and the American West

I was 14 years old when I first shot a gun. My family and I were at the local rod and gun club and I had just received my first gun safety lesson from an instructor. With my junior NRA rifle handbook under my arm, I took the .22 rifle that my dad had given me and went to the range. There were some boys there that I knew, also shooting, and I was vaguely interested in one of them. I took my first shots at the target.

Trump’s Unpredictability Doctrine

Emma Ashford does a fine job summing up the flaws in Trump’s handling of foreign policy issues:

Indeed, it is nearly impossible to tell whether he actually believes these statements, or is simply monumentally ill-informed. Based on his comments to the Washington Post, Trump is apparently unaware of European sanctions on Russia, of the fact that Iran and ISIS oppose each other, and believes that America’s GDP is “essentially zero.”
