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Whose Bright Idea Was It To Show A Naked Melania Trump In An Attack Ad?

Whose Bright Idea Was It To Show A Naked Melania Trump In An Attack Ad?

There is nothing wrong with attack ads: Trump's first attack ad against Hillary Clinton was creative, original, imaginative - it included Jihadi John, a barking Hillary Clinton and a cackling Putin. It promptly went viral. Hillary's retort was basically a duller version of the original Trump ad; it was ok although Hillary's SuperPAC will have to do much better to keep the entertainment level on par.

However, when a conservative, anti-Trump group decided to run Facebook ads which showcased naked photos of Melania Trump, we wonder: what were they thinking?

Ron Paul: Bring the Troops Home, Shut Down Unconstitutional Agencies, End All Corporate Welfare

Ron Paul: Bring the Troops Home, Shut Down Unconstitutional Agencies, End All Corporate Welfare

by Ron Paul

According to a recent poll, 73 percent of all Americans oppose increases in federal spending. Since this anti-government spending sentiment is a major reason Republicans control the House and Senate, one would expect the Republican Congress to hold the line on, or even cut, government spending. Yet, despite the Republican leadership’s rhetoric about “fiscal responsibility,” this year’s House Republican budget spends $104 billion more than the GOP’s 2013 budget.

Lead Contamination In America’s Water Reveals Elite’s Depopulation Agenda

42 out of the 50 states in America have a lead contamination problem with their drinking water – revealing the elite’s plans to depopulate the country via systematically poisoning citizens through the deadly water they drink.  The chart below shows a breakdown of lead in the water from all 50 states. Lead poisoning, it seems, is an epidemic across America. If you live in Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,Tennessee, South Dakota, Hawaii and Kentucky have water that safe to drink. How long has the Obama administration known about this?
