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Meet The Landlord Who Refuses To Rent To Supporters Of Donald Trump

Meet The Landlord Who Refuses To Rent To Supporters Of Donald Trump

By definition liberals, also known as the group which after establishment Republicans is most threatened by Donald Trump's meteoric rise, are supposed to be... well... liberal, as in avoid prejudice when interacting with fellow human beings. Unfortunately, that appears not to be the case with a landlord in Grand Junction, Colorado, who is refusing to rent to anyone who supports Trump. 

As the Daily Sentinel writes, supporters of The Donald aren’t welcome at Mark Holmes’ rental on Main Street, indicated by this advertisement he placed in The Nickel last week. To wit:

Pentagon To Install £200 Million Spy Center In UK

The Pentagon have announced plans to build a new £200 million spy center in the UK this week, which will act as the U.S. military headquarters for all military data in Europe and Africa.  The Joint Intelligence Analysis Center will be located at RAF Croughton, and will become the headquarters for all European and African military communications, staffing 1,250 people and analysing intelligence from over 50 countries.

The (Mis)Uses Of Disorder

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

Many thoughtful and patriotic citizens entering the Kubler-Ross free-fire zone of desperate bargaining with reality are at work attempting to chart an orderly course around the Godzilla-like figure of Trump looming outside the desecrated once-shining city of American democracy. I doubt there is such an orderly way through this political bad weather. When storms hit, things break up.

Cuban Caption Contest: "Che-Che-Changes" Edition

Cuban Caption Contest: "Che-Che-Changes" Edition


“It’s a historic and very important visit. It’s the first time a US president will visit an independent Cuba,”  the son of Ernesto “Che” Guevara tells the Guardian.


But the US is an empire. Their nature is not to set the table and invite you for a feast. History shows us that every time they set a table, you have to accept you might be poisoned or stabbed in the back. But let’s see.”


How The Right Created Trump

I was in Italy when Conor Friedersdorf published this article about the Trump phenomenon, and missed it. In it, Conor argues that Conservatism, Inc., cannot easily divorce itself from the vulgar, sometimes abusive rhetoric employed by Donald Trump. It has been exploiting this kind of thing for years, for the benefit of the GOP. Excerpt:
