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Israel Declares War On Trump

Israeli political forces in the U.S. have launched a media war against the Trump campaign in an attempt to destroy his candidacy due to his promise to bring about peace in the Middle East.  Mark Glenn, co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, says that various Zionist media outlets are doing their best to prevent a Trump presidency in order to protect Israel’s interests in the Middle East.

New Documents Reveal "Hillary Clinton Knew Her BlackBerry Wasn't Secure"

Was Hillary Clinton just arrogant and ignorant (which is a decisively bad combination as it is) or did she knowingly traffic in state secrets on an unsecure server?

That’s pretty much what the entire, protracted investigation into her e-mail habits when she was the nation’s top diplomat boils down to. If she was simply arrogant and ignorant, she didn’t lie under oath. If she knew what she was doing was a bad idea when she was doing it, then she probably committed perjury, and obviously that’s no good.

Will The Fed Follow The BoJ Down The NIRP Rabbit Hole?

On Monday, in “JPM Looks At Draghi’s ‘Package,’ Finds It ‘Solid’ But Underwhelming,” we noted that according to Mislav Matejka, investors would do well to fade the ECB’s latest attempt to jumpstart inflation, growth, and of course asset prices with Draghi's version of a Keynesian kitchen sink.

Overall, we believe the latest package is far from a game changer,” Matejka opined.

Back to the Future on Foreign Policy

The nuances of foreign policy do not feature heavily in the ongoing presidential campaign. Every candidate intends to “destroy” the Islamic State; each has concerns about Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korea, and China; every one of them will defend Israel; and no one wants to talk much about anything else—except, in the case of the Republicans, who rattle their sabers against Iran.
