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Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent

Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent

Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent


Cognitive Dissonance


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We all begin with assumptions, though most of us think of them as truths. Mention the name Donald Trump in a crowded room and you will be on the receiving end of a boat load of opinions; all formed with the benefit of assumptions and preconceived notions customized to each individual’s point of view of how the ‘system’ (aka The Empire) works.

Putin Gives Powerful Speech Exposing The New World Order

In this powerful speech recorded a few years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin exposes the real face of the New World Order.  According to the video’s description: When the West expands its EEU and NATO borders Eastwards breaking treaty after treaty, as in the Warsaw pact, the non nuclear proliferation treaty, disregards international law and the Geneva conventions, including double standards on its UN power to veto – it does it all under the mantra of diversifying economic markets, if Russia was to expand West, thorough some “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership of their own”

Why Oil Producers Don't Believe The Oil Rally: Credit Suisse Explains

Why Oil Producers Don't Believe The Oil Rally: Credit Suisse Explains

For the past month, the price of oil has soared by a 50% on no fundamental catalyst; in fact, the "fundamental" situation has gotten progressively worse with the record oil inventory glut increasing by the day even as US crude oil production posted a modest rebound in the past week after two months of declines, while the much touted OPEC/non-OPEC oil production freeze has yet to be discussed, let alone implemented.
