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Do You Remember The Chaos That “Underwater” Properties Caused In 2008 And 2009? Well, It Is Starting To Happen Again…

We never seem to learn.  Over a decade ago, our leaders created the biggest housing bubble of all time, and when it finally burst the entire globe experienced great financial pain.  So did they learn from their mistakes and fix the system?  No, instead they just created an even bigger housing bubble.  Now that housing bubble is beginning to burst, and that is going to have very serious implications for all of us.

Visualizing 1 Billion Square Feet of Empty Office Space

1 Billion Square Feet of Empty Office Space

In April, one of America’s largest office owners, Brookfield, defaulted on a $161 million loan.

The loan, covering 12 office buildings, was mainly concentrated in the Washington, D.C. market. Faced with low occupancy rates, it joined other office giants Blackstone and WeWork defaulting on office debt this year.

The above graphic shows nearly 1 billion square feet of empty office space in the U.S. based on data from JLL—and the wider implications of office towers standing empty.

Bizarre New Attack on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: He Promotes the ‘Ugly Message that Being Autistic is Bad’

It seems clear that most parents of autistic children in America love the children and see great value in the children’s activities and thoughts. It also seems clear that most of these parents also would prefer that their children could live free from the effects of autism and that a way is found to prevent autism from developing in other children. That is commonsensical. But, when people in the media are looking for any and every basis to tar Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
