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Is This The End Of CNBC As We Know It?

One of the core aspects of mainstream financial media in general, and outlets like CNBC in particular, more so even than their chronic permabullish bias, is the seemingly endless gallery of "experts", "pundits", and other talking heads whose only requirement is wearing a business suit (in some very notable exemptions) who show up on TV, offer trade advice and recommendations - while either pitching their own trading services or hoping to offload their own existing positions  - and if (or rather when) said advice leads to material losses are not heard from again until a certain period of tim

"Lesbians" vs "Step Sisters" - Most Popular Porn Searches Reveal A Surprising Pattern

"Lesbians" vs "Step Sisters" - Most Popular Porn Searches Reveal A Surprising Pattern

In a nation as 'distracted' as America where virtual relationships seem more popular than real ones, it appears different states 'attention' is drawn to very different methods of entertainment.

In 30 states in the West, Midwest and East, "lesbian" was on top as the most commonly searched term. And the term was most popular in California where there were 187,000 searches for the word in January.


Legalizing Weed Has Done What 1 Trillion Dollars And A 40 Year War Couldn't

Submitted by Nick Bernabe via,

The Mexican drug cartels are finally meeting their match as a wave of cannabis legalization efforts drastically reshapes the drug trafficking landscape in the United States. It turns out that as states legalize cannabis use and cultivation, the volume of weed brought across the border by Mexican drug cartels dramatically decreases — and is putting a dent in their cash flow.

Trump Supporters - In Their Own Words

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog

I don’t find conversations about how morally repugnant Trump is to be interesting when the rest of the candidates seem to also support imperialistic and fascist policies concerning drone strikes, torture and mass surveillance.


Do I like Trump’s platform? No, I think most of it is silly and misguided, but at least it is not the same bullshit casserole that has been on the menu in Washington DC for as long as I have been alive.


FBI Orders High School Teachers To Report Anti-Government Students

The FBI have launched a new program forcing high schools across America to report students that display “anti-government” or rebellious behavior to authorities.  The program is an attempt to prevent future terrorists from manifesting, in the governments ongoing “war on terror”. The FBI are urging school teachers to report any “suspicious behavior” to authorities in their new guidelines entitled “Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools“.
