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Bernie Sanders Demands High-Speed Internet For Americans

Bernie Sanders has slammed low Internet speeds for users in the US by making a comparison between America and Romania. The US democratic presidential candidate tweeted on Wednesday that “High-speed Internet access is no longer a luxury. It’s crucial for rural America to be connected and do business with the rest of the world” Press TV reports: “Today, people living in Bucharest, Romania, have access to much faster Internet than most of the US,” he later wrote, adding, “that’s unacceptable and must change,” without explaining why he chose Romania for comparison.

Donald Il Duce

If you watched tonight’s GOP debate and are still confident in your decision to support Donald Trump, then you and I live on the same planet, but in different worlds. Tonight was a disaster for Trump. There can no longer be any doubt of these things:

Trump vs. the Washington Post

Donald Trump “appeals to racism.”

“[F]rom the beginning … his campaign has profited from voter prejudice and hatred” and represents an “authoritarian assault upon democracy.”

If Speaker Paul Ryan wishes to be “on the right side of history … he must condemn Mr. Trump clearly and comprehensively. The same goes for every other Republican leader.”

“Maybe that would split the (Republican) party,” but, “No job is worth the moral stain that would come from embracing (Trump). No party is worth saving at the expense of the country.”

The Eleventh Republican Debate

The eleventh Republican debate didn’t tell us much that we didn’t already know, and it reconfirmed most of the bad things we knew about the different candidates. Trump was confronted with a number of his position changes, and did his best to spin them as evidence of his “flexibility.” He and Rubio spent a significant amount of time trying to shout over each other.

Desperation Moves: Romney Plots To Block Trump At Republican Convention

Desperation Moves: Romney Plots To Block Trump At Republican Convention

Only in America's so-called democracy could a proven "loser" so vehemently and shamelessly condemn a current "winner" with the goal of overturning 'we, the people's' prospective leader in favor of himself. In the latest (and most desperate) action from the neocon establishment, CNN reports Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention (by revising rules for instance).
