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Bernie Sanders Wins Vermont Primary, Looking To Expand Base

As early predicted results come in on Super Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders looks to have notched up the Vermont Democratic primary in his home state. A revolution is brewing in America as Sanders hopes to bring Vermont’s values to the rest of the 35 states that are up for grabs after tonight’s primaries. Early results are showing more potential victories for Bernie Sanders before the night is over, while the establishment media covering Super Tuesday are talking about a ‘Clinton versus Trump’ presidential race.

Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins The White House, The New Boss Will Be The Same As The Old Boss

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.” ? Hunter S. Thompson

Politics today is not about Republicans and Democrats.

Did Free Markets Cause The Flint, Michigan Water Disaster?

Submitted by Dale Steinreich via The Mises Institute,

In the wake of numerous cases of lead poisoning through Flint, Michigan’s government-managed water supply, some commentators immediately began looking for ways to blame the private sector. Shortly thereafter, David Brodwin of U.S. News and World Report wrote “Flint: The Big Cost of Small Government.”

Hillary Clinton: As Big a Warmonger As Bush/Cheney

Bush and Cheney launched two disastrous and totally unnecessary wars which increased terrorism and undermined America’s standing in the eyes of the world.

Hillary Clinton is at least as bad …

She is largely responsible for the war in Syria, which is plunging the Middle East and Europe into chaos.

The New York Times confirms that Clinton is responsible for the violent regime change in Libya, which was also completely unnecessary.

Hillary is largely responsible for the bombing of Yugoslavia … another wholly unnecessary war.  Diana Johnstone writes:
