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Trump Retweets Mussolini As Mexico Fears a "Hitler" Presidency

Trump Retweets Mussolini As Mexico Fears a "Hitler" Presidency

Over the past two months, America’s political establishment has been forced to come to terms with a rather sobering reality: Donald Trump may be the country’s next president.

That prospect seemed so far fetched as to be laughable just 9 short months ago, but with New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina in his pocket and rivals seemingly unable to mount any kind of meaningful counterattack, Trump is on his way to the nomination.

Seismic Faults Produce Deadly Levels Of Carbon Monoxide In California

Deadly and unprecedented levels of carbon monoxide are being released into the atmosphere across the west coast of America due to unusual activity on seismic faults.  Scientists have yet to confirm the cause, but experts are suggesting that the Earth may be emitting the dangerous gas via seismic fault lines – cracks in the earth’s surface where tectonic plates rub against each other. People across the West coast, including California, may have trouble breathing, feel tired and notice that their skin has taken on a bright red appearance. All of these are signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Peak Whine: Life Is Good For "Starving", "Struggling" Complaining (Ex) Yelp Employee

Peak Whine: Life Is Good For "Starving", "Struggling" Complaining (Ex) Yelp Employee

Earlier in the week, (former) Yelp employee Talia Jane Ben-Ora became momentarily famous as the poster-child for all things wrong with the entitlement mindset of young adults in today's America. Her open letter to the CEO whining of her "struggle" and "starvation" had some wondering if this was an Onion parody - it was not.

While Charles Hugh-Smith offered some advice to the 25-year-old, it appears, judging from her social media postings, that she was entirely honest about her plight...

Some examples include:

US Government 'Asks' Tech Companies To Tweak Algos, Promote Certain Content

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

You probably had no idea, but representatives from Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the U.S. government came together earlier this week to privately discuss how they could jointly fight ISIS propaganda online. Never mind the fact that ISIS is the child of reckless and inhumane preemptive wars of aggression perpetrated by the U.S. government. Such introspection naturally never crosses the mind of government bureaucrats ostensibly attempting to understand the epic disasters they created in the first place.
