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Is Ted Cruz The Zodiac Killer? 40% Of Public Think So

38% of residents in Florida have said that they believe Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz might be the infamous Zodiac Killer, in a new online poll published by Public Policy Polling.  Sunshine State residents had to answer a question over whether they think Ted Cruz is the infamous Zodiac Killer. The poll asked, “Do you think Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, or not?” ten percent of voters said yes, and 28 percent said they were not sure.

If Trump Elected, Al Sharpton Will Flee The Country - Before He's Deported

The person most surprised by Donald Trump’s political success is Donald Trump, Al Sharpton says.

“[He’s a] prisoner of this wave that could go all the way if there is not a counter-wave,” the reverend told an audience at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event on Friday.

Sharpton discussed a variety of issues, including the “super predator” comments made by Hillary Clinton in 1996 when the former First Lady was stumping for her husband’s tough-on-crime bill. Here's the now infamous clip:

The Donald's Odds Against Hillary

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

In a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump race – which, the Beltway keening aside, seems the probable outcome of the primaries – what are the odds the GOP can take the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court?

If Republicans can unite, not bad, not bad at all.

Undeniably, Democrats open with a strong hand.

Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump For President - Live Feed

In what is clearly a play for Vice-President, Fox News reports:


The establishment is coming out of denial.

Christie speaks...

"I can guarantee you that the one person Hillary Clinton does not want to see on that stage come September, is Donald Trump"


"The best person to beat Hillary Clinton on that stage is undoubtedly Donald Trump"

