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Americans Have Never Been Fatter: Obesity Rate Rises To Highest Level On Record

Americans Have Never Been Fatter: Obesity Rate Rises To Highest Level On Record

Americans are fat. And they’re getting fatter all the time.

It was just last month when we showed you a series of graphics that demonstrated how it came to this. In short, average calories available to Americans jumped 25 percent to 2500, between 1970 and 2010. And it wasn’t because the US added a fourth meal to the day.

Trump Was Right: Immigration Declines Sharply Since Start Of Deportation Raids

Donald Trump is no fan of illegal immigrants.

The problem, Trump reckons, is that Mexico “isn’t sending their best people.”  “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” the bellicose billionaire famously remarked last summer when his bid for The White House was still largely regarded as a sideshow.

“Some, I assume, are good people,” he added, apparently realizing that what he just said might be rather inflammatory.
