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Kasich Earns His Ticket

I spent election night in New Hampshire with the Kasich campaign. Obviously this was an important night for the country, with more decisive victories than I had anticipated for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Taken together, their wins signal a dramatic rejection of neoliberalism and neoconservatism, the shared ideology of the current American establishment.

Run, Mike, Run!

The morning of the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump, being interviewed on “Morning Joe,” said that he would welcome his “friend” Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race.

Which is probably the understatement of 2016.

The three-term mayor of New York and media mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion, making him one of the richest men on earth, told the Financial Times on Monday he is considering a run.

America's Most Hated Man Martin Shkreli Sued Over Ol' Dirty Bastard Cartoons

America's Most Hated Man Martin Shkreli Sued Over Ol' Dirty Bastard Cartoons

When last we checked in on the “most hated man in America”, Martin Shkreli had just taken a $40 million hit on his E*Trade account.

That’s a problem for two reasons. For one thing, the account only had $45 million in it in the first place. For another, it was used to secure a $5 million bail bond after federal agents arrested everyone’s favorite pharma “bro” in December.

Falling Oil Prices Not The Reason For America's Economic Woes

Falling Oil Prices Not The Reason For America's Economic Woes

Submitted by Antonius Aquinas via,

Why Should a Decline in Oil Prices be Bad?

The dramatic fall in the global price of oil is being cited by the financial press, government officials, and academia as the catalyst for the recent abysmal U.S. economic data which shows that the economy is, in all likelihood, sliding into a recession or worse.


Oil prices in dire straits…

Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Last week, the “teflon Don” took a hit in Iowa.

Despite the fact that the last Des Moines Register poll before the caucus showed the brazen billionaire pulling ahead of Ted Cruz in the state for the first time since August, Donald Trump lost, in what many deemed a surprising outcome.

Initially, Trump congratulated Cruz. Later, he called the senator a cheater and accused him of “stealing” the state by bilking the hapless Ben Carson out of votes.
