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Is Shorting The Yuan Dangeorus?

Submitted by Alasdair Macleod via,

Last Sunday (31 January) Zero Hedge ran an article drawing attention to the big names in the hedge fund community who are betting heavily that the yuan will suffer a major devaluation any time between the next few months and perhaps the next three years.

The impression given is that this view is universal, almost to the exclusion of any other.

This Is What Hillary Told Wall Street Behind Closed Doors

This Is What Hillary Told Wall Street Behind Closed Doors

Bernie Sanders has found the chink in Hillary Clinton’s political armor - and it has nothing to do with a private e-mail server.

The riley socialist has begun hitting the former First Lady hard on her liberal credentials, branding her a kind of wannabe progressive with an on-again off-again commitment to things like reforming the type of establishment politics that allow Wall Street to exercise undue influence on Capitol Hill.
