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Jimmy Carter: "Legal Bribery" Is Prevailing In The US Political System

Submitted by Andrea Germanos via,

Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter has taken aim at the “erroneous” Supreme Court ruling that “gives legal bribery a chance to prevail.”

Carter made the comments, an apparent reference to the 2010 Citizens United ruling, in an interview Wednesday with the BBC’s “Today” program.

Pictures From Obama's First Mosque Trip: "Islam Has Always Been A Part Of America"

Pictures From Obama's First Mosque Trip: "Islam Has Always Been A Part Of America"

On Wednesday, President Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore in his first trip to a US mosque as commander-in-chief.

Officially, the trip was “to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to [America] and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life.” But as we said on Monday, the visit was actually designed to counter the growing backlash against Islam in the US, where GOP hopeful Donald Trump has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country.

"HY Primary Markets Are All But Shut" - What Keeps BofA's Junk Bond Analyst Up At Night

"HY Primary Markets Are All But Shut" - What Keeps BofA's Junk Bond Analyst Up At Night

We’ve written quite a bit about US O&G producers’ dependence on capital markets to plug funding gaps.

In short, the entire space is free cash flow negative, which means without access to liquidity, the whole thing falls apart. That, Citi wrote last September, is shale oil’s “dirty little secret.”
