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"HY Primary Markets Are All But Shut" - What Keeps BofA's Junk Bond Analyst Up At Night

"HY Primary Markets Are All But Shut" - What Keeps BofA's Junk Bond Analyst Up At Night

We’ve written quite a bit about US O&G producers’ dependence on capital markets to plug funding gaps.

In short, the entire space is free cash flow negative, which means without access to liquidity, the whole thing falls apart. That, Citi wrote last September, is shale oil’s “dirty little secret.”

Aesthetics As Racism

Aesthetics As Racism

The New York Times is reporting on “blunt discussions on campus” after last autumn’s racial unrest. At the University of Missouri, a professor teaching a mandatory “diversity” course asked his students to think about why the tennis star Maria Sharapova earns twice as much in product endorsements as Serena Williams, who is a much more accomplished athlete. Excerpt:

Is The Fed "Seriously Considering" Negative Interest Rates?

Is The Fed "Seriously Considering" Negative Interest Rates?

The Fed may "seriously consider" negative rates after moving rates back to zero, reintroducing forward guidance and making "stronger pleas" to Congress for fiscal policy action as there are complications for money markets, according to BofAML strategist Mark Cabana.

This would not be a total surprise as Mises Institute's Joseph Salerno warns recent Fed commentary suggests they want to test-drive negative interest rates...

Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Closing In: Russia, Iran, Assad "Encircle" Syria's Largest City As Peace Talks Collapse In Geneva

Back in October, we previewed the “promised” battle for Aleppo, Syria’s largest city prior to the war.

By the time Russia began constructing an air base at Latakia, the city - which is immensely important both from a strategic and psychological perspective - was controlled by a hodgepodge of rebels and militants including al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, and ISIS.
