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Is Trump a Realist?

If Donald Trump has distanced himself from some of the positions held by two of the powerful wings of the conservative movement—free marketeers and evangelical Christians—he has provoked a fury among members of the third GOP wing, the neoconservatives, who for all practical purposes dominate the party’s foreign policy thinking.

Pentagon Will Spend $3.4 Billion Next Year To Keep You Safe From "Aggressive" Russians

Pentagon Will Spend $3.4 Billion Next Year To Keep You Safe From "Aggressive" Russians

The US military faces five “big challenges,” Ash Carter told the Economic Club of Washington on Tuesday.

Those challenges are: Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and ISIS.

So essentially, the exact same “challenges” Washington has been trotting out for years to justify hundreds upon hundreds of billions in defense spending, only with one CIA pet project gone horribly awry added to the list.

Where Is The Outrage: With Shkreli Under House Arrest, Drug Prices Are Still Soaring

Last September, when Martin Shkreli was doing his best to become the "most hated person in America" with his highly profiled 5000% price increase of a Turing Pharma toxoplasmosis drug, in an article titled "Dear Martin Shkreli: This Is How You Hike Drug Prices" we said hate him if you must, but not for his price hiking practices for one simple reason: everyone else does that.

Negative Interest Rates Already In Fed’s Official Scenario

Negative Interest Rates Already In Fed’s Official Scenario

Over the past year, and certainly in the aftermath of the BOJ's both perplexing and stunning announcement (as it revealed the central banks' level of sheer desperation), we have warned (most recently "Negative Rates In The U.S. Are Next: Here's Why In One Chart")  that next in line for negative rates is the Fed itself, whether Janet Yellen wants it or not. Today, courtesy of Wolf Richter, we find that this is precisely what is already in the small print of the Fed's future stress test scenarios, and specifically the "severely adverse scenario" where we read that:
