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Heroin Addiction in America Spearheaded by the US-led War on Afghanistan

Heroin Addiction in America Spearheaded by the US-led War on Afghanistan

By 2001 the Taliban in Afghanistan had reduced opium production by 97 percent. As a result of Washington’s invasion, opium production jumped from 185 tons to 9,000 tons. It is this supply that fuels the massive increase in heroin addiction in the US. We owe America’s heroin addiction to the Bush/Cheney/Neoconservative illegal invasion of Afghanistan. This is not something that Trump told us in his State of the Union speech.

Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?

Dear Readers: This is one of the most important articles I have written, along with this one: If the Russiagate conspiracy against Trump and American democracy goes unpunished, accountable government in the United States will cease to exist. US security agencies have long been involved in coups against foreign governments. Now they are involved in one against America.

In the Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth

In the Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth

Paul Craig Roberts

Last year I was awarded Marquiss Who’s Who In America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. This did not prevent a hidden organization, PropOrNot, from attempting to brand me and my website along with 200 others “Putin stooges or agents” for our refusal to lie for the corrupt, anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, warmonger police state interests that rule the Western World.
