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The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme

The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme

Paul Craig Roberts

The Republicans’ delay in releasing the summary of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate investigation is giving weight to the presstitutes’ claim that the report is not being released, because it is a hack attempt at a Trump coverup that is not believable. Only Republicans are stupid enough to put themselves in such a situation.

The Twitter President

The Twitter President

Paul Craig Roberts

As my readers at home and around the world know, I supported giving Trump a chance as Trump, and only Trump, addressed the two most important issues of our time for both all of humanity and for Americans: (1) avoiding nuclear Armageddon by normalizing relations with Russia, and (2) restoring the American middle class, on whose success political stability in the United States depends, by stopping the offshoring of US jobs and bringing those offshored home.

The Republican Supreme Court Gave Us The Police State

The Republican Supreme Court Gave Us The Police State

Paul Craig Roberts

When the US Supreme Court consisted of civil libertarians such as William Douglas, William Brennan, and Thurgood Marshall, Republicans argued that the Supreme Court was coddling criminals and inventing rights. To prevent legislation from the bench, it was necessary, Republicans said, to elect Republican presidents who would appoint a different court that would respect the Constitution.
