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3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

3-(Mis)Statements About Tax Reform

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

With the passage of the Tax Cut And Jobs Act on Wednesday, I wanted to address a few of the questions and misinformation currently circulating about the impact of tax cuts on the U.S. economy.

Over the last couple of months, I have been repeatedly asked why I am not “enthusiastic” about the “greatest tax reform” since the Reagan era.

"A Stunning Rebuke": 128 Nations Support UN Call For Trump To Withdraw Jerusalem Decision

"A Stunning Rebuke": 128 Nations Support UN Call For Trump To Withdraw Jerusalem Decision

One day after Trump escalated his war of words with the UN, threatening to cut off foreign financial aid over today's UN vote on the president's decision to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the United Nations on Thursday delivered what has been dubbed a "stunning rebuke" of the US President's Jerusalem decision, voting overwhelmingly to condemn the move and calling on the U.S. to withdraw the decision.

The final vote was a landslide against Israel, with some 128 nations voting in favor of the resolution. Nine countries opposed the resolution while 35 abstained.
