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Maryland Schools Forced To Cancel Baltimore Field Trips Due To "Escalating Violence"

Maryland Schools Forced To Cancel Baltimore Field Trips Due To "Escalating Violence"

In light of the ongoing wave of violent crime in Baltimore, school officials in nearby Carroll County have been forced to halt school-related trips to the city - including a marching band’s scheduled performance in the Mayor’s Christmas Parade this weekend - citing "escalating violence."  The field trip ban was imposed by the Carroll County Sheriff's Office "in response to parent concerns regarding the safety of students."  Here's more from The Baltimore Sun:

How to Leave the 9-5 Job Behind for the Modern Economy

Via The Daily Bell

Employment Ain’t What It Used to Be

The 9-5 is on it’s way out.

You can’t ignore the facts. That traditional model of employment so many Americans sought in the past, is giving way to something new. Fueling that change: dissatisfaction, loss of opportunities, and stagnation. Each forces people and the economy to adapt.

The expectations people have for a job have changed as well.
