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The Divisive Fallacy Of Bubble Fortunes

The Divisive Fallacy Of Bubble Fortunes

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

A few days ago, former Reagan Budget Director and -apparently- permabear (aka perennial bear) David Stockman did an interview (see below) with Stuart Varney at Fox -a permabull?!-, who started off with ‘the stock rally goes on’ despite a London terror attack and the North Korea missile situation.

His first statement to Stockman was something in the vein of “if I had listened to you at any time after the past 2-3 years, I’d have lost a fortune..”

Actions of A Bully Child or Dying Empire: Sanctions and Threats

Actions of A Bully Child or Dying Empire: Sanctions and Threats

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin



As the Western world continues to slide into the dust bin of history, it is not going without a fight. As with any “wounded animal”, once the reality of pain permeates the body, it typically lashes out at anything or anyone within arms' reach. In the case of the Western world, arms'-reach is merely the push of a button and everything begins to change.

