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Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Ben Garrison's Guide To The Deep State Swamp

Trump’s election confirmed one thing for certain: The Deep State is real.

As Ben Garrison writes, the Deep State's dedication to removing our president from power is relentless. They will continue to work against him and if Trump backs off from any of his campaign promises, they’ll use that against him and claim victory. This is currently being done with his ambivalence on the ‘dreamers,’ which is a lefty name designed to garner sympathy for illegal aliens.

More Equifax Lies? Company Originally Hacked Five Months Earlier Than It Disclosed

When Equifax first disclosed the shocking news on September 7 that its servers and some 143 million private account had been hacked, leaking everything from names, to addresses, to social security numbers, it stated in its press release that it had "learned of the incident on July 29, 2017" adding that "at which point it reported the intrusion to law enforcement and contracted a cybersecurity firm to conduct a forensic review: based on the company’s investigation, the unauthorized access occurred from mid-May through July 2017."

Toys "R" Us To File Bankruptcy Any Minute; Bonds Crash

Toys "R" Us To File Bankruptcy Any Minute; Bonds Crash

Over the weekend, we reported that vendors to iconic toy retailer Toys "R" Us had halted shipments over payment concerns and/or getting their receivables crammed down alongside other unsecured claims ahead of what appeared to be an imminent bankruptcy. Well, they were right, and according to Bloomberg a Chapter 11 filing by Toys "R" Us is to be expected as soon as tonight.
