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"Not Another Charlottesville": Richmond Police Enforce Weapons Ban Ahead Of Confederate Rally

"Not Another Charlottesville": Richmond Police Enforce Weapons Ban Ahead Of Confederate Rally

With the memory of Charlottesville still fresh in everyone's mind, Richmond Police have announced that they’re planning to impose strict security measures – including a temporary “weapons ban” – during a celebration of Confederate Heritage set to take place on Saturday near a famous statue of Robert E Lee on Monument Avenue.

Jim Rickards' "Golden Solution" To America's Debt Crisis

Jim Rickards' "Golden Solution" To America's Debt Crisis

Authored by Jim Rickards via,

Right now, the United States is officially $20 trillion in debt. Over half of that $20 trillion was added over the past decade.

And it looks like annual deficits will be at the trillion dollar level sooner than later when projected spending is factored in.

Basically, the United States is going broke.

I don’t say that to be hyperbolic. I’m not looking to scare people or attract attention to myself. It’s just an honest assessment, based on the numbers.

"Unprecedented Thefts" Force Baltimore Bike-Sharing Program To Suspend Operations

"Unprecedented Thefts" Force Baltimore Bike-Sharing Program To Suspend Operations

In 2016, the city of Baltimore partnered with Bewegen Technologies to launch North America’s largest electrical-assisted cycling (or pedelec) bike sharing program. The system is located in Baltimore’s metropolitan area with over 25 stations available. Fast forward one-year later, this grand "sharing economy" experiment in America’s most dangerous city has imploded due to what the company's CEO says is a level of theft he has never experienced before.

The Neoconservatives Have Declared War On The Realists

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In recent years, I've increasingly suspected that when it comes to foreign policy, the realists offer some of the most sane observations. 

These suspicions were confirmed earlier this year when after the election of Donald Trump, John Mearsheimer, one of modern realism's current standard bearers, wrote in The National Interest that Trump should "adopt a realist foreign policy" and outlines a far better foreign policy agenda that what we've seen coming from Washington. 
