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Three Dangerous Delusions About Korea

Three Dangerous Delusions About Korea

Authored by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

They say that most of the world’s real dangers arise not because of what people don’t know but because of what they do 'know' that just ain’t so.

As a case in point, consider three things about Korea that the bipartisan Washington establishment seems quite sure of but are far removed from reality:

Delusion 1: All options, including U.S. military force, are «on the table.»

Caught On Tape: Mexican Authorities Take On Drug Cartel In Yet Another "Military Style" Shootout

Caught On Tape: Mexican Authorities Take On Drug Cartel In Yet Another "Military Style" Shootout


In part one of this series called: ‘Why America Needs a Wall’, we showed a video of an intense firefight between Government forces and drug cartel members. The widespread death and destruction rippling through Mexico this year is not widely being reported by the mainstream media. 

In the first 6-months of 2017, more than 12,000 murders have been registered, making it the deadliest year in over two decades.

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

Nothing epitomizes the failure of Europe’s immigration policies more than the notorious “no-go zones.”

For decades the West has opened its borders to people who don’t share their values, and the West has utterly failed to encourage these people to assimilate. To even suggest that is now considered racist in many European countries.

Pat Buchanan Exposes What Harvey Really Wrought

Pat Buchanan Exposes What Harvey Really Wrought

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Like 9/11, Hurricane Harvey brought us together.

In awe at the destruction 50 inches of rain did to East Texas and our fourth-largest city and in admiration as cable television showed countless hours of Texans humanely and heroically rescuing and aiding fellow Texans in the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.

On display this week was America at her best.
