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"It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election"

"It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Unlike Oliver Stone, who knew how to interview Vladimir Putin, Megyn Kelly did not. Thus, she made a fool of herself, which is par for her course.

Now the entire Western media has joined Megyn in foolishness, or so it appears from a RT report. James O’Keefe has senior CNN producer John Bonifield on video telling O’Keefe that CNN’s anti-Russia reporting is purely for ratings:

“It’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any big giant proof.”


America's First Robot Bar Opens In Vegas: "Perfect Pours Every Time"

America's First Robot Bar Opens In Vegas: "Perfect Pours Every Time"

Here’s a headline that should send a chill through the spine of every bartender and server in America: “Bionic bartenders deployed at Las Vegas Strip bar.”

As we reported last week, Cowen analyst Andrew Charles calculated that McDonald’s “Experience of the Future” strategy  could allow it to replace 2,500 cashiers with “Big Mac ATMs” by the end of 2017 – and another 3,000 in 2018.

Researchers Discover That Social Media Can Be Used To Predict Riots, Revolutions, And Even The Weather

Researchers Discover That Social Media Can Be Used To Predict Riots, Revolutions, And Even The Weather

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Most of us don’t give much thought to what we post on social media, and a lot of what we see on social media is pretty innocuous. However, it only seems that way at first glance. The truth is that what we post online has a frightening potential. According to recent research from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Washington, the things we post on social media could be utilized by software to predict future events.

The Federal Reserve Is A Saboteur - And The "Experts" Are Oblivious

The Federal Reserve Is A Saboteur - And The "Experts" Are Oblivious

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

I have written on the subject of the Federal Reserve's deliberate sabotage of the U.S. economy many times in the past. In fact, I even once referred to the Fed as an "economic suicide bomber." I still believe the label fits perfectly, and the Fed's recent actions I think directly confirm my accusations.
